Sunday, November 18, 2007

Update on the Phares/Bennett Home

WOW Thanksgiving is almost here and yes Lowell is here for yet another holiday. Chris is coming down too on Thanksgiving Day and staying for a few days. Another month has gone by and so much to catch you up on.
Where to start????
Kelly's competition cheer team when to State. The placed 13th out of 18. They looked great but the competition was very good. They’ll get them next year! Way to go TD Knight!
Emily has her modeling graduation and was scouted by an agency from Baltimore. She was asked to go to Baltimore and audition for the Baltimore Fashion week. We did that and she is now on the second around of cuts. I am so happy her. She looked amazing and the agency thought so too.
Lisa was promoted to shift leader at her job after only being there a couple of month. How cool is that! I am so proud of her. She really seems to like the extra responsibility and her boss has nothing but great things to say about her.
Curt has been working more hours and may have to start traveling. He has been such a trooper going to Kel's cheer competition and games. He makes a good cheerleading Dad.
Me... Nothing much new here. I work, work and work more. Still finding time to take the kids to all their actives.