Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Well hell! You get busy and forget. What Can I say?

Just so I can spear you all more bad pictures I guess I can give an update. It's 1:00 am and I can't sleep. I have been up to the same old shit just a different day. Get up, go to work, come home, fix dinner (if I feel like it) and watch a little TV or at least DVR my shows so that at some point I can watch them. Curt had an interview a couple of weeks ago but that didn't pan out like we would have wanted it to. Em and Lisa got their first pay check (It's about time)! All Kel does is cheer, cheer and more cheer. Her team has its first completion this Saturday. Go Knights! I am really excited for her. Luckily Em and Lis will be off work in the afternoon so they will get to go too. It's really weird around here with them working and not getting home until after 8. Lisa just got her drivers licenses and is driving all around. She loves it. I on the other hand am scared out of my wits. But she is a good drive.

What's Up:

  • Kelly just celebrated her 15th B-day - Her boyfriend came over with a couple of other friends

  • Lisa just celebrated her 17th B-day - Went shopping

  • I once again leave on a business trip to IL next week.

This time I will only be gone for three days. Manteno, IL. It's so close to Indy I wish I had time to stop in and say hey to everyone but this is just a three day trip. However, Karen if you are up for a drive my plane doesn't leave until Friday at 4 if you want to meet me in Chicago.


Laura's blog has been hijacked by a "friend" that wanted to see something new in this space!!! She hopes you are all doing well and would love to hear from you in her comments!! He! He! He!
Laura - - - the pictures will just get goofier and goofier if you don't start posting soon!!! Don't make me use them!!! :)